

Stephen Bao is a certified professional ergonomist (CPE), senior epidemiologist and director of Ergonomics Laboratory at Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. He is a fellow of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. He is also an affiliated full professor at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health of University of Washington.

As a senior research ergonomist and epidemiologist, he has performed numerous projects primarily in real workplaces to study relationships between workplace factors and musculoskeletal disorders, develop job assessment tools, and evaluate workplace ergonomics interventions. Stephen received the IEA/Liberty Mutual Award for his paper: Relationships between job organisational factors, biomechanical and psychosocial exposures (Ergonomics, 59, 179-194) in 2017. He has done many ergonomics consultations with a wide range of industries. Stephen has taught many targeted audiences including ergonomists, health and safety specialists, engineers, production workers, and university students. Stephen serves as an editor for Ergonomics and a senior editor for Ergonomics in Design.