David Woods
David Woods, Professor in Department of Integrated Systems Engineering at the Ohio State University (PhD, Purdue University) has worked to improve systems safety in high risk complex settings for 40 years. These include studies of human coordination with automated, autonomous, and intelligent systems (see: and and accident investigations in aviation, nuclear power, critical care medicine, crisis response, military operations, and space operations. He developed Resilience Engineering on the dangers of brittle systems and the need to invest in sustaining sources of resilience beginning in 2000-2003 as part of the response to several NASA accidents. His results on proactive safety and resilience are in the book Resilience Engineering (2006) — see . or He developed the first comprehensive theory on how systems can build the potential for resilient performance despite complexity. Recently, he started the SNAFU Catchers Consortium an industry-university partnership to build resilience in critical digital services (see or ). He is Past-President of the Human Factors an Ergonomics Society and Past-President of the Resilience Engineering Association. He has received many awards including the Laurels Award from Aviation Week and Space Technology (1995), IBM Faculty Award, Google Faculty Award, Ely Best Paper Award and Kraft Innovator Award from the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, the Jimmy Doolittle Fellow Award from the Air Force Association (2012). Syntheses of this work on how complex human-machine systems succeed and sometimes fail can be found in the books Behind Human Error (1994; 2nd Edition 2010); A Tale of Two Stories: Contrasting Views of Patient Safety (1998), the 2 book series Joint Cognitive Systems — Foundations of Cognitive Systems Engineering (2005) & Patterns in Cognitive Systems Engineering (2006).
Aerospace Systems
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making
Computer Systems
Forensics Professional
Health Care
Human Performance Modeling
Individual Differences in Performance
Perception and Performance
Product Design
Usability and System Evaluation
Extended Reality