

Poster: Poster Session 2
Event TypePoster
TimeThursday, September 12th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Augmented Cognition
Children's Issues
Environmental Design
General Sessions
Human AI Robot Teaming (AI)
Occupational Ergonomics
Student Forum
Surface Transportation
System Development
1. Can Exoskeletons Increase Older Workers' Confidence? Implications of Exoskeletons on Aging Workers’ Self-Efficacy
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2. Positive Self-Perceptions of Aging are Associated With Higher Physical Activity Scores
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3. Promoting Physical Activity in Long-Term Care With Augmented Reality Experiences
4. Vulnerable Communities in the Face of Heat: A Pilot Study on Perceptions, Behaviors and Support Networks During Heat Events
5. Cognitive and Perceptual Augmentation Through Neuromodulation During Fatiguing Tasks Is Sex-Specific
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6. Exploring The Intersection of Sex and Race Within Transcranial Doppler Sonography: Implications for Future Neuroergonomic Research and Application
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7. Measuring User Response to Attention Guidance Using the Integrated Cognitive User Assistance System
8. A Comparative Evaluation of Ad Hoc Team Performance, Effectiveness and Interactions in Modern Collaborative Technology
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9. Expanding Computer-Aided Text Analysis by Using Fine-Tuned Transformers for Classification of Domain-Specific Teaming Dialogues
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10. Objective Metrics to Measure Non-Technical Skills of Surgeons: A Preliminary Study
11. Robotic Arm Perception: an Eyetracking Study Exploring Causal Relations and Perceived Trust
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12. Context Contributes to Two-Factor Authentication Choices
13. Investigating Training and Priming to Combat Phishing on Instagram Shop
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14. Young Adults' Perception of Privacy and Security Regarding Online Healthcare Platforms
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15. Applying User-Centered Design to Space Mission Planning
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16. Degrees of Freedom Should be Abandoned in Social Science Statistics
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17. Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Training in a Part 147 Maintenance Technician School
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18. Emotional Ability and Its Connection with Academic Performance: An Exploratory Study on HBCU Students Post-COVID
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19. K-12 Outreach: Experiential Learning in Human Factors With Laparoscopic Surgery Trainer Box
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20. P-Curving the Evidence: P-Values Published in Human Factors (2017-2023)
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21. Pedagogical Agent in Math Versus Art Lessons: Impact on Learning, Perceived Workload and Motivation
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22. Teaching ChatGPT: Attempting to Demonstrate the Protégé Effect With a Large Language Model Learner
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23. Using a Self-Compassion Intervention to Increase Engineering Self-Efficacy of Women Pursuing Engineering in Higher Education
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24. Visual Instructor Presence: Impacts and Implications
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25. Trusting Automation: Applications in the Hospitality Industry
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26. Human-Centric Metrics in Metaverse Evaluation
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27. Cognitive Workload Evaluation of Onsite Workers Collaborating With a Teleoperated Robot in Assembly Tasks Using Heart-Rate
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28. Developing a Team Classification Scheme for Human-Agent Teaming
29. Empirical Impacts of Independent and Collaborative Training on Task Performance and Improvement in Human-AI Teams
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30. Enhancing Privacy Protection for Time-Series Signals in Ergonomics Studies via Data Synthesis
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31. Entropy and Trust Dynamics in Human-Autonomy Teaming
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32. Establishing Human Observer Criterion for Artificial Social Intelligence Development: ASIST Study 2 Saturn
33. Evaluating Cross-Training's Impact on Perceived Teaming Outcomes for Human-AI Teams
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34. Evaluation Approaches for Human-AI Teaming: Guidance for Practitioners
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35. Exploring ChatGPT Opinions on AI Empathy
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36. Exploring Learning Paths: Understanding the Learning Strategies of Artificial Intelligence System Users and Their Involvement in Social Forums
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37. Exploring the Taxonomy of Gaming Attributes and Feasibility of Human-AI Testbeds: An Evaluation of Empirical Studies
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38. Game On: Pioneering Human-Machine Teaming Research in Online Gaming Arenas
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39. Getting Along With Autonomous Teammates: Understanding the Socio-Emotional and Teaming Aspects of Trust in Human-Autonomy Teams
40. Harmony Unleashed: The Interplay of Artificial Intelligence and Human Factors
41. High-Fidelity Worker Motion Simulation With Generative AI
42. How Can Artificial Intelligence Team-Mates Know What Humans Want? Using Eye-Tracking Data to Infer Human Preferences in Game-Theoretic Decision Tasks
43. How Robots Might Trust Humans in Mixed Motive Situations
44. Human-Centered and Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Operations
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45. Human-Cobot Collaboration in Manufacturing Systems: Design for Productivity and Trust
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46. Improving Predictions of Cognitive States for an Adaptive Autonomous System
47. Kaleidoscope: Detecting the Tone of the Room
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48. Mathematical Modeling of the Dynamics of Trust in Automation
49. Perturbations Detection in Space-Based HMTs in Different Layers
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50. Practical Considerations for Enabling Dynamic Human-AI Teaming Across Domains
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51. Preliminary Investigation of Communication Types and Strategies in Hat in Dynamic Dual-Task Situation
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52. Programming by Demonstration for Dual-Arm Manipulation
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53. You Knew What I Meant: Improving Robot-Human Communication of Hierarchical Task Planning Through LLMs
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54. Systematic Literature Review on Shared Leadership to Aid Collaboration and Task Allocation in Human-Autonomy Teams
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55. Team Error Management in Human Autonomy Teams
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56. The Effectiveness of System-Wide Trust Repair Strategies in a Multi-Component Interface
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57. The Impact of Communication Timing and Sequencing on Team Performance: A Comparative Study of Human-AI and All-Human Teams
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58. The Impact of Lifecycle Transparency on Human Autonomy Teaming
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59. U.S. Space Force Guardians on Multi-Agent Systems in Space: A Thematic Analysis of Interviews
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60. Uncertainty Differences in Computing Hierarchical Pedestrian Behaviors
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61. Virtual Reality Abdication: Systems for Robotic Teleoperation in Space and Other Dangerous Domains
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62. Quantifying Trust Evolution Through Predictability of Compliance Behavior: A Dynamical Systems Perspective
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63. Discovering Functional Strength for Infants and Toddlers!
64. Identifying Parenting Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey-Based Study
65. Investigating the Latency of an AI Driven Facial Expression Therapy System as a Function of Illumination and Eyeglasses
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66. Preliminary Findings on the Impact of Workload on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality for Pediatric Patients With Real-Time Feedback
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67. Credible Emergence: Leveraging Bio-Behavioral Data in Agent-Based Models for Dynamic Trust Studies
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68. Return On Investment Methods for Large-Scale Systems Interventions; Systems Thinking, How Much Does it Pay?
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69. Using the IMPRINT Tool to Develop a Simulated Manpower Model for Navy Vessel Acquisition
70. An Investigation Into the Practicality of Employing Immersive Virtual Reality to Evaluate Ergonomic Risks Associated With the Peri-Care Task
71. Can Exoskeletons Support Patient Handling Tasks Performed by Emergency Medical Technicians?
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72. Computer Vision Embedded Post-Processing Algorithm on Lifting Risks
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73. Digital Twin for Amputees: A Bidirectional Interaction Modeling and Prototype with Convolutional Neural Network
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74. Evaluating Practices to Reduce Work Related Injuries in Healthcare Workers: A Review
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75. Exoskeleton Use During Lifting Tasks May Impair Physical and Cognitive Performances Among Novice Users
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76. Field Assessment of Static Postures and the Frequency of Trunk and Upper Arms Movements Among Construction Workers
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77. How Effective are Exoskeletons at Reducing Muscular Demands During Repetitive Trunk Bending Tasks?
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78. Investigating Factors Influencing Construction Worker Productivity: The Case of the Middle East
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79. Investigating Manual Labor Workers’ Perceptions of Exoskeletons Using the Wearable Robot Perception (WeaR-P) Questionnaire
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80. Noise in the Vote-by-Mail Process: A California Case Study
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81. Package Delivered: Ergonomic Intervention for Delivery Drivers
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82. Relationship Between Head Tilt Angle and Smartphone Tilt Angle
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83. The Effects of Soft and Rigid Back Support Exoskeletons on Muscle Activity and User Perception During Simulated Automotive Assembly
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84. The Readiness Level of Industry 4.0 Applications and Assistance to Workers: A Systematic Literature Review
85. Using Wearable Sensors and Deep Learning to Identify Origin and Destination of Lifts
86. Visual Analysis within Three-Dimensional Hand Scans to Define Hand Envelopes
87. Looking to the Future: Design of a Shore-Based Decision Support for Maritime Traffic Monitoring
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88. An Analysis of Online Peer Support Groups for Informal Caregivers of Patients With Parkinson's Disease
89. Evaluating a Novel Measure to Parse the Sources of Subjective Cognitive Workload: The Task, Environment, Aid Scale
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90. Human Response Performance to Vibrotactile Alerts: A Scoping Review
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91. In ChatGPT We Trust: Foundations for an Empirically Determined Scale of Trust in Generative AI Chatbots
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92. No Reaction to Distraction: An Investigation Into Diminished Reality
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93. On Enhancing General Aviation Safety: The Integration of Generative AI in Preflight Weather Planning
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94. Perceptions of Autonomous Robot Teammates During Field Operations
95. Running as a Woman: The Potential Impact of Geo-Tracking Technology on Perceptions of Safety in Trail Running
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96. The Influence of Operator Trust on Human-Robot Interaction Within Teams
97. Transforming Learning: Assessing the Efficacy of a Retrieval-Augmented Generation System as a Tutor for Introductory Psychology
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98. A Evaluation Tool for the Real-Time Motion Sickness in Driving Environment
99. A Process for Deriving Heartrate Variability and its Comparison to Self-Reported Driver State
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100. A Survey on Perceptions of Smartwatch Haptic Feedback for Enhancing Automated Vehicle Takeover Decisions
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101. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Older Adults’ Cognitive Impairments and Effects on Road Safety
102. An Analysis of Detectability of Vulnerable Road Users Using Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory
103. Angry Drivers, Please Calm Down: Regulating Driver Emotions to Enhance Driving Safety
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104. Assessing Meaningful Visual and Tactile Feedback for Effective Automated Vehicle Takeover by Hearing and Non-Hearing Drivers
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105. Capturing the Mind: Non-Driving-Related Tasks as a Window Into Cognitive Engagement in Automated Driving
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106. Contextual Differences and Attentiveness in Urban Streets
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107. Driver Training and Socioeconomic Status: A Human-In-The-Loop Driving Simulator Evaluation
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108. Effect of Caregiver Burden and Acute Stress on Driving Performance
109. Effects of Automation Exposure and Non-Driving Related Tasks on Manual Driving Performance After Takeover of Manual Control
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110. Effects of Automation Reliability on Driver Vigilance
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111. Is it Better Now? Using Swift Trust and Priming to Determine How Update Information Impacts Trust in Automation
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112. Looking Back on Forward Collision Warnings: A Review of Perception Response Times From Empirical Studies
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113. Managing Attention During Virtual Meetings in Partially-Automated Vehicles
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114. Simultaneous Remote Monitoring of Multiple Automated Vehicles
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115. The Intersection of Voice Assistants and Autonomous Vehicles: A Scoping Review
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116. Use of Remote Focus Groups to Improve Inclusive Design Practice
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117. Workload Estimation Using Facial Expression Analysis
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118. Human Factors and Sustainability: The New Sustainability Technical Group Welcomes Collaborations
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119. Integrating Positive Train Control (PTC) with Grade Crossing Systems for Enhanced Rail Safety
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